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Pregnancy Education

Pregnancy Education

During pregnancy, a woman’s body goes through many changes. Some common symptoms of early pregnancy include:


  • Missed Period

  • Nausea

  • Breast Tenderness 

  • Frequent Urination

  • Tiredness 

  • Mood Swings[1] 



If you are exhibiting these symptoms, visit us for a pregnancy test free of charge. Our tests are reliable and the results are given within minutes. You may schedule pregnancy testing appointments below.



Pregnancy Development

Before you make a decision for your pregnancy, it is important to understand what happens inside a woman’s body from conception and throughout her pregnancy.


But first, how is a pregnancy dated? 

Pregnancy terminology can be confusing. There are two ways of dating pregnancy: Gestational Age and Fertilization Age. Most health care professionals use Gestational Age to date pregnancy. The Gestational Age refers to how long it has been since the first day of the mother’s last menstrual period.


During each week of pregnancy the baby develops and grows in new and exciting ways.


  • 2 Weeks* (Conception): Conception usually takes place approximately two weeks from the beginning of the mother’s last menstrual period. This is when the egg and sperm unite to form a single cell. This cell contains all the genetic information for every detail of the newly created life – including, gender, eye & hair color, skin tone, and the intricate lines of the fingerprints.[2]


  • 21 days/5 Weeks (The Heart & Brain): The heart is the first organ to function and begins to beat 21 days after conception (which is five weeks after the mother’s last menstrual period began). The first signs of brain development are also evident at this stage of development.


  • 8 Weeks: At eight weeks, the embryo can respond to touch by reflex.[4]


  • 10 Weeks: For the first time, the brain can make the muscles move on purpose.[5]


 For more information about fetal development, download The First 9 Months brochure.



Healthy Pregnancy

Where to Start

You are pregnant. Now what?! Don’t be alarmed if your head is spinning with questions, concerns, joys, and excitements. Pregnancy can bring a whirlwind of uncertainties, emotions and to-do’s. Here are a few ideas to get you started on the journey to motherhood:[6]


  • See a Doctor: The single most important thing to do right away is schedule an appointment with a medical professional who cares for pregnant women – an obstetrician, family doctor or certified nurse-midwife.


  • Prenatal Vitamins: Begin taking prenatal vitamins and minerals. Many women do not get enough calcium, folic acid and iron in their diets, so supplements are very important for you and your baby.


  • Stop Harmful Substances: Stop using anything that can hurt your baby, such as tobacco, alcohol, marijuana or other drugs. If you need help discontinuing these habits, let your prenatal caregiver know as she/he will have tools to make it easier.


  • Community: You are not alone nor were you meant to be alone on the journey of motherhood. C.A.R.E. Medical Center has a community awaiting you through our Thriving Heart Program. The Thriving Heart program utilizes an online educational curriculum called Bright Course which offers streaming video lessons. Client watch the lessons on their own time and then meet with a Bright Course Mentor who offers ongoing support and a safe place to learn. There are over 100 lessons covering a variety of topics. Clients earn credit after meeting with their Bright Course Mentor to shop in our onsite Boutique. We also offer a Monthly Mom’s Support Group that meets the second Thursday of the month. To learn more, contact Brooke.



Pregnancy Development
Healthy Pregnancy
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