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Abortion Education

Abortion Education

When a woman finds out she is pregnant, one thing is for certain: life is going to change. Whatever decision she makes will have significant impact on her life and her loved ones, both now and in the future. But, it is her responsibility to make an informed decision.

Skagit Valley Pregnancy Care Center desires to help women comprehend each option available to her. In our society, every woman has three options for the outcome of her pregnancy: women can make an adoption plan, choose to parent or have an abortion.

Let's discuss the option of abortion.....

Simply put, abortion is the procedure that terminates a pregnancy. A pregnancy is the state of carrying a developing embryo or fetus within the female body. It is the starting point of every human life.

Did you know there are different forms of abortion?
  • Medical: specific medications are used to end the pregnancy; this is a non-surgical method.[7]

  • Surgical: different surgical procedures are used to end the pregnancy, such as vacuum or suction aspiration, Dilation & Curettage (D&C), and Dilation & Evacuation (D&E).[8]


Because it is possible to have a false-positive urine pregnancy test, a pregnancy should be confirmed through ultrasound. An ultrasound can determine if the pregnancy is viable (meaning it is capable of developing). If the pregnancy is not viable, an abortion may not be necessary as a miscarriage may be imminent. In addition, abortion methods and procedures change as a pregnancy develops. An ultrasound can also provide accurate information regarding the development and stage of pregnancy. We offer free limited obstetrical ultrasounds.

Please contact us to make an appointment.

Schedule an Appointment
Do you understand that it is OK to change your mind?

Abortion is a choice – meaning you can change your mind at any time. It's OK to say, "I need more time to consider my decision," if you are in the waiting room or even on the table prepped for your procedure. Don't feel pressured to proceed just because you feel like you have to. It's your body; you have the right to listen to your instincts.



Abortion Risks

Abortion Risks

Like many medical procedures, abortion has some risks to consider. Before choosing to have an abortion, it is important to understand the possible immediate and long-term risks.

Immediate Risks
  • Heavy bleeding

  • Infection

  • Affects from anesthesia

  • Damages to other organs, including Cervix & Uterus

  • Possible death




Emotional Risks
  • Increased chance of clinical depression

  • Increased chance of feeling intense emotions, such as guilt, grief, anger or anxiety

  • Increased chance of drug and alcohol use

  • Increased chance of post-traumatic stress disorder

  • Increased chance of suicidal thoughts and behaviors


Long-Term Risks
  • Increased risk of preterm birth

  • Increased risk of infertility

  • Increased risk of emotional and psychological affects


Relational Impact

Many couples choose abortion believing it will preserve their relationship. Research on this topic reveals just the opposite. Some couples who choose abortion are at increased risk for relational problems. In addition, women experiencing a lack of support and pressure to abort are more likely to choose abortion.


Spiritual Impact

People have different understandings of God. Whatever your present beliefs may be, having an abortion may affect more than just your body and your mind – there is a spiritual side to abortion that should be considered. What role does your spirituality play in your decision making? Does your faith hold convictions regarding abortion and when life begins? These are important questions to consider.


Questions To Ask

About Abortion

Question To Ask

There is a lot to consider when experiencing an unplanned pregnancy. Before you visit an abortion clinic or provider, we highly encourage you to ask yourself these important health and safety questions:

Have you confirmed your pregnancy?

It is important to be sure that you are pregnant; it is possible to receive a false indication of pregnancy. We provide pregnancy testing and ultrasounds free of charge. These services can confirm your pregnancy.

Visit our Services Page to learn more.

Are you aware of the risks?

Abortion is a medical procedure and has risks to be aware of. You have the legal right to be informed by your abortion provider of the type of procedure you will receive, as well as any potential complications. Ask questions to make sure you understand all that is involved or visit our Abortion Risks page.

Do you understand you can change your mind?

It's OK to say, "I need more time to consider my decision," if you are in the waiting room or even on the table prepped for your procedure. Don't feel pressured to proceed just because you feel like you have to. It's your body; you have the right to listen to your instincts.

Download our list of suggested questions to have answered prior to scheduling an abortion.


After an Abortion

After an Abortion

Following an abortion, some women experience initial relief. The perceived crisis is over and life returns to normal. For some women, however, the crisis isn’t over. Months and even years later, significant problems develop. For these women, a pathway to healing is needed. Skagit Valley Pregnancy Care Center’s PASS (Post Abortion Support Sisters) program is one such pathway to spiritual and emotional healing following an abortion.

The PASS program is comprised of small, confidential support groups where women will go through Surrendering the Secret post-abortion Bible study. This study will be the beginning of your journey of healing. Where the stigma of abortion is gone, we experience personal healing, we enjoy reconciliation with God and our unborn children, and we find a life of secrets, shame, and shadows completely redeemed! 

Or, check out these other healing resources : 

Abortion Alternatives

Abortion Alternatives

When a woman finds out she is pregnant, one thing is for certain: life is going to change. Whatever decision she makes for her pregnancy will have a significant impact on her life and her loved ones, both now and in the future. But, it is her responsibility to make an informed decision.

Skagit Valley Pregnancy Care Center desires to help women comprehend each option available to her. In our society, every woman has three options for the outcome of her pregnancy: women can make an adoption plan, choose to parent, or have an abortion.

The Parenting Option

Parenting is both challenging and rewarding. Whether a woman is choosing to co-parent, parent as a single parent or parent as a couple, there are many ways she can prepare to be a good mother. She can begin making choices now to ensure a healthy, loving, and secure future for her baby. With the support of caring people, parenting or life-skill classes, and other community resources, many women find the help they need to be successful mothers.

Regardless of your circumstances or relationship status, Skagit Valley Pregnancy Care Center offers services designed to assist you in becoming the best person you can be. Our Thriving Heart program is available to you during your pregnancy and beyond.

The Adoption Option

Adoption is a positive and loving option that is often overlooked. Developing an adoption plan empowers you to create a positive future for yourself and your child. Adoption plans look different for each person; however, you may be pleased to know that the birth mother has:

  • the freedom to choose the parents

  • the freedom to choose if she would like to see her child(ren) and their adoptive parents

  • the freedom of privacy to receive pictures, but no contact

Research has shown that women who make an adoption plan are more likely to finish their schooling, have better jobs, and overall report a high level of satisfaction with their decision for adoption.* It can be a win, win option for everyone involved.[35]


Skagit Valley Pregnancy Care Center can provide referrals to licensed adoption agencies who assist birth parents with legal adoption services, as well as comprehensive counseling and support before, during and after the adoption.


*National Council for Adoption. Adoption awareness training program; 2009.



Abortion and Men

Abortion and Men

For every woman affected by abortion, there is also a man; both equal parents to the aborted child. An abortion experience can leave some men feeling empty, powerless, defeated, helpless, confused and without purpose. Some men may not even be aware that these emotions are a direct result of their abortion experience. They may be in denial about their experience, attempt to intellectualize their feelings, project their emotions towards others, or withdraw from social interaction as much as possible. 


Our culture has an expectation that men should be strong and courageous. Any show of emotion could expose them as being weak and cowardly. It's this expectation that causes many men to hide their true emotions and pretend that everything is fine. Yet deep inside they could be hurting, causing their relationships, families, jobs, and responsibilities to suffer. It's a pattern all too common in post-abortion fathers.


There is hope! Men too can heal. If you have been affected by an abortion, please call and ask about our abortion recovery group. Our number is: 360-428-4777

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